ita, I'm sorry about your cousin. That is very young.
And, yeah, there's almost always food or grease soaked in.
Yep, grease screws up the paper recyling process b/c they pretty much just shred it and make a slurry, AFAIK.
I think we have an actual garbage load maybe twice a month, and a lot of that is cat litter.
I think we have one bag a week or so, and cat litter is certainly a factor. Have I mentioned that I love my new roommate? B/c I love my new roommate.
In minor annoying news: I tried to bring some stuff to my parents' last weekend, but will still have two suitcases to shlep tomorrow. Not big or heavy, but still. It's a good thing two of my cousins won't be there.
Thanks, guys. It's going to be weird, picking up my sister from the airport in half an hour. I wonder if she'll have checked her email yet. I don't want to have to break the news to her.
I don't even know about the funeral--I don't have any time off, but I would really like to be there for her mother especially. She's lost so much, and she's such a good woman.
In much triter news, C Blucas, although I ain't mad at him. F Dacascos, who's suffering just because, dude, M Harmon. That smile. With extra crinkles.
Okay, I spoke too soon. Just took out the trash and it's spitting rain here.
C Blucas, b/c I can't get over Riley. Though Prey for Rock and Roll helped. F Dacascos for the pretty, and M Harmon.
ita, so sorry to hear about your cousin. Peace to your family.
I'm so sorry for your loss, ita.
I don't like any of the male or female M's much. I want all the L's.
I think Laser Steampunk Cat could be the next best thing. Unless I get off my butt and make the parody of Lady Gaga'a Bad Romance as "Cat Romance" that is stuck in my head.