Thanks, guys. It's going to be weird, picking up my sister from the airport in half an hour. I wonder if she'll have checked her email yet. I don't want to have to break the news to her.
I don't even know about the funeral--I don't have any time off, but I would really like to be there for her mother especially. She's lost so much, and she's such a good woman.
In much triter news, C Blucas, although I ain't mad at him. F Dacascos, who's suffering just because, dude, M Harmon. That smile. With extra crinkles.
Okay, I spoke too soon. Just took out the trash and it's spitting rain here.
C Blucas, b/c I can't get over Riley. Though Prey for Rock and Roll helped. F Dacascos for the pretty, and M Harmon.
ita, so sorry to hear about your cousin. Peace to your family.
I'm so sorry for your loss, ita.
I don't like any of the male or female M's much. I want all the L's.
I think Laser Steampunk Cat could be the next best thing. Unless I get off my butt and make the parody of Lady Gaga'a Bad Romance as "Cat Romance" that is stuck in my head.
F Maggie Cheung, C Belluci, M Yeoh.
F Clarke, C Parker, M Minnie Driver (but only curvy Minnie)
You guys inspired me to look up my recycling regs here, because I've been annoyed that in the basement of my building, there are just containers labeled trash and paper recyling, but it turns out, we can put all different kinds of recycling into one bin! And we can recycle practically everything! [link] Good to know.