I didn't watch much Chuck, nor invest any in it, so I didn't take Bryce's character particularly seriously. But I did think that Bomer was impossibly pretty at that juncture.
I do not have a picture of Jensen I would qualify as green, sumi--do tell.
I am obsessed with Chuck! And it's coming back soon!
I liked the plot turn at the end of last season, but I really really REALLY can't stand Sarah as an action heroine, and I hate the will-they-won't-they ping pong so it's only ever going to be something I watch when I'm quite bored.
Which places it above Bones, with Baldwin's character as my Hodgins-equivalent.
I'll see if I can find it online.
I'm a little skeptical about the plot twist, but will see...
I'll see if I can find it online.
Laundry person hadn't moved their stuff into the dryer yet, which makes them my nemesis. I want the dryer in half an hour.
I feel minorly bad about taking their stuff out and leaving it on top of the dryers, but really. It's been sitting for about an hour. How long am I supposed to wait? I hope it's not the tenant that bitched me out before for touching her stuff. I don't want to fight.
Oh, god. Tennant is denying he'll be The Riddler. He'd make a
Riddler. Someone needs to get on that.
Couldn't find the picture - but I emailed the jpg.