Welcome Shane! Congrats to the little boy and his mommies!
I have to wrap presents and go to the grocery store today. That should be doable, at least in theory.
Kat, I have another bag of clothes for you! All cute stuff, mostly for Grace but Isaac has just gone through a growth spurt and so there are some hoodies and pants and such for Noah too. Plus it's the perfect excuse to try and see you at some point this season.
I am so glad we took Isaac to the doctor yesterday. Turns out he may have bronchitis, poor noodle.
Your local weather, translated into Star Wars:
Welcome baby Shane! Congratulations to the GlamFam!
That reminds me that I have two big boxes of kid clothes to pass along. Some is probably small enough that it should just go to Calliope, and some is probably too seriously cold-weather for Grace, but there's a lot of inbetweenie stuff that Matilda never wore more than once or twice because there just wasn't enough overlap between when it actually fit her and when the weather was decent enough for it. I also have one pair of shoes for Noah (probably way too big yet at size 7, but someday they'll be perfect).
Oh, poor Isaac. Bronchitis is pretty miserable even for a grown-up who knows it'll pass; considerably less than no fun at all for a toddler.
I just read on Wikipedia that there are three Shakers left. I wonder what that feels like, being one of three of your belief. Must be sad, the feeling that no one else chooses to see your light.
I just got reminded that I need to be on a conference call to India at 8:30pm sometime this week. Which probably means tomorrow when my sister is here. She'll get to see me be all professional and shit. Or at least pretend.
eta: That Star Wars weather is brilliant!
Oh, the H men are difficult. I'd have to toss Harry Belafonte with extreme reluctance, but in the end I'd just want to be friends. Good friends--I could probably listen to him talk forever. But I think I'd be hard torn to pick between the other two guys. HJ is such a dish and comes off as an excellent husband and father. And I've met Harold Perrineau and he's a total doll and a sweet father too. Okay, ick, I toss him then, because it's now creepy. M Belafonte, F Jackman.
C Hayden because she's 12, F Lamarr because she's not Mirren, M Mirren because she is.