I just read on Wikipedia that there are three Shakers left. I wonder what that feels like, being one of three of your belief. Must be sad, the feeling that no one else chooses to see your light.
I just got reminded that I need to be on a conference call to India at 8:30pm sometime this week. Which probably means tomorrow when my sister is here. She'll get to see me be all professional and shit. Or at least pretend.
eta: That Star Wars weather is brilliant!
Oh, the H men are difficult. I'd have to toss Harry Belafonte with extreme reluctance, but in the end I'd just want to be friends. Good friends--I could probably listen to him talk forever. But I think I'd be hard torn to pick between the other two guys. HJ is such a dish and comes off as an excellent husband and father. And I've met Harold Perrineau and he's a total doll and a sweet father too. Okay, ick, I toss him then, because it's now creepy. M Belafonte, F Jackman.
C Hayden because she's 12, F Lamarr because she's not Mirren, M Mirren because she is.
The Hedley Lamarr joke from
Blazing Saddles?
Why is there a $3+ charge to buy Amex giftcards. fuckers. I need to get a giftcard for the second babysitter. I know he listens to music, but am unsure of the device he uses, so am wary of an iTunes card. maybe just cash? I mean cash is never bad, right?
I bought $10 worth of holiday candy and cookies for the stupid required secret santa thing for mac's afterschool. Ha, now they'll have a doubly hopped up kid.
I haven't seen that.
Hie thee to Netflix!
I haven't rewatched it in forever. I'm assuming it lives up to the hysterics of my first viewings, but Gene and Mel have been pretty reliable.