My mom use to get really irate with my dad, because she'd be working on something she considered direly important to keeping the house working properly, and he'd be sitting there, reading a book. (They both had full-time jobs for most of my childhood.) It wasn't that dad was unwilling to help with household things, it was that he and mom fundamentally disagreed on what household things mattered. For example, dad firmly believed that no house ever fell down due to a living room being one color or another, and he refused to get involved with repainting. Mom would look at a living room that hadn't been painted in 10 years and think it looked like we lived in a slum. So she'd spend hours selecting the right paint, doing the painting, cleaning up after the painting, and dad would be sitting there with his book. They'd both be cranky about the whole thing for weeks after the paint dried.
It's really amazing they both died of natural causes.
Often when DH appears to be "sitting around" he's actually working on some project.
When I was growing up, there were years where my mom was depressed and did no housework at all. Meanwhile, my dad was averaging working about 16 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Not good times.
Huh. I don't mind if only one of us is doing chores at a time, so long as I feel there's not a huge net imbalance.
This is me, too. Although I also have pangs of guilt if I'm the one sitting around reading when The Boy is cleaning the litter boxes or something.
That's an amazing story, Kathy.
I just snuck out of a 1.5hr meeting that started at 12:30. I had to snarf my lunch in ten minutes because of that damned meeting, and I have another one that starts at 2. And people to call. I can't believe I felt I needed to walk out in front of the CIO, and then the person I called didn't even answer. Probably not even at work today and haven't changed their OGM, I bet.
Well, hello pretty people.
What's the what?
I missers people. My head is full of stupid, lately.