That's an amazing story, Kathy.
I just snuck out of a 1.5hr meeting that started at 12:30. I had to snarf my lunch in ten minutes because of that damned meeting, and I have another one that starts at 2. And people to call. I can't believe I felt I needed to walk out in front of the CIO, and then the person I called didn't even answer. Probably not even at work today and haven't changed their OGM, I bet.
Well, hello pretty people.
What's the what?
I missers people. My head is full of stupid, lately.
We just did three weeks worth of work for nothing. Bah.
On the bright side, it means I don't have to stay late and try to put it all in place on the client's server all by myself.
Hello Allyson! Lovely to see your pixels.
I'm sorry to hear your head is full of stupid. I would gladly offer you a cup of cocoa if it would help.
I ordered a pizza for dinner at 4:30, which is kind of embarassing... But turns out, the delivery guy doesn't start working until 5, and it's not here yet. And I have to leave by 6, so I guess it's just as well.
And I used my first Groupon!
Hi, Allyson!
I'm watching MST3K: Monsters A-Go-Go. ahahahahahahahasnork
So are Groupons like the new black?