I don't believe in soul mates but I do think that there's more than one potential mate out there for each of us and that love is more a matter of compatible crazies than finding someone perfect
Yes. Good lord, yes. Pete and I aren't a perfect couple by any means, but we're a good team and our crazies are compatible.
Maybe you should advertise yourself as a "surreal man."
Hee! I think that's a good idea.
why would you not consider yourself a real man? I would suggest those women learn better adjectives. I would also probably ask them what they mean. Like who have they met or seen that they think of as unreal?
I've never really understood why friends don't set each other up more, but at least here it doesn't seem to happen much. I don't do it, so why would I expect my friends too?
Totally, you should! My thing wasn't a set up, our mutual friends didn't even know Bob was going to come to their baby shower, but he was someone they always claimed they
have set me up with if we lived in the same town. Ha! who knows?
What does it mean when a woman's profile says she wants a "real man"?
Well, she could be an idiot who has very stereotypical ideas about how men should be but maybe she just means "wants a grown up" and is phrasing it badly?
why would you not consider yourself a real man?
'Cuz usually in that context, "real man" = macho or whatever, which I am not.
I want a Honda Fit for my next car, I think.
I would hope they mean someone who can take care of himself as a grownup.
Maybe I will look at all my single male contacts in LA tonight on Facebook and see who would be good for Allyson.
Although my brain works in weird ways. When I think "real man" I picture the guy from the Marlboro ads... dressed as a cowboy, riding a horse, smoking, gay....
What does it mean when a woman's profile says she wants a "real man"?
If you're lucky, possibly she means she wants a man who isn't a Apatow-esque man child or a spray-tanned dudebro with ridiculous hair.
If you aren't lucky, she's been conditioned by a patriarchal society to expect a man to conform to her own bizarre set of rules, and if you can't do something on her checklist, you have failed at being a real man.
I am a woman and also real, but I suspect that I don't qualify as a "real woman" most of the time.