My evening for all things not mac related:
scrambled to find hardware for old IKEA coffee table that neighborhood couple said they would come get at 7:30
laundry folding and bagging
read about how to deal with cracks in flooring and gaps at the wall wrt the bugs (it involves spray foam, possibly also clear silicon caulk, gloves, goggles, and dust pesticide (applied wearing a respirator) - in other words, all very sexy)
dug through hall closet to find vacuum cleaner nozzle attachment (prepare to get sucked up and die, bugs - OH and how glad am I that I sold stuff off at that flea market and then took like 3 more bags to the thrift store this Spring?!!! - that hall closet used to be jam packed, no only 3-4 shopping bags of stuff.)
emailed other neighborhood person who expressed interest in the table after the others DID NOT SHOW.
Can it, meara. I've got business dealings, with an extra side of (fairly harmless) banter going on here.
Is that what the kids are calling it these days?
Something that does get exciting over time is seeing the equity go up.
Sure the water bill is exciting at first, but after you've seen it grow over the years the excitement wears off.
Well, YEAH! I still get a thrill over seeing the mortgage deducted from my account. I'm new at this and so very in love with my house. Honeymoon phase. I go around petting walls and shit. Like saying "MINE" really loudly. And I love that my parents love it too, and that my dad made me a honey-do list, prioritized. And he anchored my railings tight.
I spent Memorial Day caulking the tub. I felt awesome. Awesome=sexy AFAIC. Even if the actual visual was less than that, by a long shot. LONG LONG shot.
Oz sounds like Loki. He was such the pill the night we got back.
I'm kind of a little afraid of what is going to happen with Ditaboo and the sitter, and me when I get back from the cruise.
Is that what the kids are calling it these days?
Ain't no kids playing unless you count me.
Perkins, the Loki-factor was merely him being more of a pain in the ass than usual wrt making the bed, unpacking the bags, the bags, crying woefully to be let out (which he never has been, but he thinks he should be) and being in everyone's face.
Since it is right over my door, I'll see it every time I come down the stairs. It'll make me smile.
That's why I've got an iron cameo from New Orleans over the front door.
Chez Zmayhem is having a summer meal. Salad for JZ and me. Broiled weiners for Emmett. Sweet corn for all. Peaches for desert.
Corn was six ears for a dollar! Practically giving it away, and it was very tasty too.
For the Bay-Area-istas: Bay Area Slang Top 100 by Rafael Casal
Rafael Casal works through the top 100 Bay Area slang words in under 3 minutes in “Bay Area Slang Top 100 (The Grinch Song)”, from his upcoming album “Monster”
Perkins, the Loki-factor was merely him being more of a pain in the ass than usual wrt making the bed, unpacking the bags, the bags, crying woefully to be let out (which he never has been, but he thinks he should be) and being in everyone's face.
Yep. With Ditaboo, I get to add in her thinking it's fun to chew on people when she gets bored.
I have been rewatching Veronica Mars episodes, and I am stil wondering how Aaron Echolls was the killer. I know Duncan was obvious, but he still made a lot more sense!