Perkins, the Loki-factor was merely him being more of a pain in the ass than usual wrt making the bed, unpacking the bags, the bags, crying woefully to be let out (which he never has been, but he thinks he should be) and being in everyone's face.
Yep. With Ditaboo, I get to add in her thinking it's fun to chew on people when she gets bored.
I have been rewatching Veronica Mars episodes, and I am stil wondering how Aaron Echolls was the killer. I know Duncan was obvious, but he still made a lot more sense!
Everytime I go to put on my shoes, I have to dislodge Loki. He likes sleeping with an arm shoved up them.
Does anyone know where I ahem the first episode of Being Human?
I went to my bedroom to finally gather up all my old water bottles so I could toss some of them and clean out the others, and the cat had to follow me, meowing at full volume, and then join me on the sink so she could watch the old water pouring down the drain.
If she were just a normal cat, and show an interest in actually drinking the flowing water, I'd understand her fascination with watching water come out of things, but she doesn't, so I don't.
We're going to get Tennant's Hamlet on PBS.
I may consider paying perquisites of the sexual kind for a recording.
Oh wait, I was thinking about doing so to Tennant. I sometimes get confused between "with Tennant" and "regarding Tennant", but I think it's my normal happy-traveler who-needs-prepositions-anyway state of being in the Tennantzone.
Morning, Tom. Laura. Coffee.
I am so very cranky this morning. All the caffeine in the world isn't going to put a dent in that.