I've realized (yes, it took me a while) part of my problem is that I've had virtually no decompression time from this trip yet. I can count on one hand the number of hours since Doha where I've been awake and alone and some of those have been in Target, which isn't exactly conducive to it. I'm still operating on a sleep deficit, I've got a lot to process and I've got the two people capable of irritating me the most underfoot and I resent that I'd have to hide in my own room in my own goddamned house to get away from them.
No respite for the wicked.
It took years, but I did manage to convince my parents that talking to me before my 3rd cup of coffee was a bad idea.
I still haven't managed to drum this one into my mother. My kids, however, know this rule quite well. They'll even whisper confidentially to each other, "Mom hasn't had her coffee yet."
Ugh for you, sarameg.
I know that I was glad to head home on Tuesday after being with my Mom since the previous Monday afternoon. She was feeling regretful since she spent a good portion of last week sleeping and vegging (recovering from pneumonia will do that to a person), which didn't bother me so much (I love vegging on vacation instead of constantly being on the go), but it did produce prolonged togetherness that got on my nerves by the end of the week. It was great having the past day and a half being just me and my cat here at home, getting caught up on my dvr queue and relaxing.
Sara, welcome back! I'm sorry you can't enjoy the feeling of coming back to your very own house quite yet.
Yay, Friday! I get off today at noon!
I am achy and tired this morning. I hope it is just the grey, damp weather and not a bug of some kind.
My dad is attacking my porch supports. It's actually the nicest thing he could do for me right now.
The cats decided that 5:30 was a good time to start playing together on my bed.
note to co-worker: Just because you are going on vacatiuon for a week does not mean I need to get everything cleaned up.
After a rainy morning, it looks like the sun is out. I need to make 3 personal calls this morning. I think I'll wait until 10 to start though.
If you're interested in the human brain and things that make you go, "Whoa," check this out:
Mind tricks: Six ways to explore your brain
What are people doing this weekend?