Adelle needs to be drugged up every week. "You must admit I'm very...British."
I enjoyed the episode too. I liked the actor who played Sam, so I'm glad it looks like he's going to be back. And while I don't care about Echo, I do seem to care about Caroline. I'm intrigued by her backstory.
And I am placing my bets now that her old boyfriend is Alpha. It would explain why he left her alive.
The last two eps have been much better, but I'm still pretty meh on the show. I'd probably stop watching, but DW wants to continue. She loves ED.
As much as I loved Helo, I'm finding Tahmoh very one-note on DH. He has one facial expression and it's kind of dorky.
Also Echo's outfit in this recent ep was so bad it was distracting. What the hell was that?
I absolutely hated this episode. Hated it. Man. I hope the show doesn't do any more like this.
Hated it also. And yes, why was Echo dressed like an underage anime character?
Hated it also. And yes, why was Echo dressed like an underage anime character?
The guy whose fantasy she was supposed to be (presumably he's still handcuffed to his bed) had a motorcycle just like Kaneda's from Akira. I bet the Japanese schoolgirl wardrobe was specified in his contract with the Dollhouse.
Now they need to do a body-switch episode where all the imprints get inside the wrong Actives! Hilarity ensues!
Does Victor have the legs to pull off wearing Echo's nano-skirts?
Enjoyed it, except Echo/ED annoyed the crap out of me from beginning to end. And if I saw a video on youtube showing animals in cages at a lab, I'd be no more outraged than when I see them in cages at the mall. Which is to say I would be, but not in a "bring down the company!" way.
Don't understand the Sam-love. I found him very vanilla.
Looks like Victor was a soldier in a desert war/situation.
Most unsurprising news ever - the ratings were terrible last night. It almost got beaten by Terminator.
My problem with Echo in this episode wasn't so much Eliza's acting, it was the writing. The character of Alice? Blah. They gave Eliza nothing to work with. And then when she started to glitch, instead of giving her Caroline-like lines... they gave her nothing.
The drug made the average person lose inhibitions. For the dolls it was different -- it brought back the traumatic memories that were blocked, that presumably can't be erased as easily.