The drug made the average person lose inhibitions. For the dolls it was different -- it brought back the traumatic memories that were blocked, that presumably can't be erased as easily.
Jossverse 1: Emotional Resonance & Rocket Launchers
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
yes, this. I suspect you can't be a doll without some personal trauma.
doesn't work very well on black people.
Yeah, I noticed this. I was also on board with the "Oh noes, he's a redshirt." "Oh noes, he's untrustworthy!" But shallowly, and unrelated to the narrative, glad to see him coming on board.
(presumably he's still handcuffed to his bed)
Hentai fan?
I did like seeing the additional layers to the villainous characters. It's good for them to be less opaque at this point in the series.
I loved the early competence of the imprinted characters, especially the bit with Victor outranking whoozit. I thought they were going in a different (and I think ultimately more interesting) direction, where the handlers were incompetent and essentially at the mercy of the imprints, who would then handle the situation and rescue the dollhouse folks, thereby ensuring their continued captivity.
But oh, well.
And Topher's pants. Like, he should never take them off again. I had to shield myself.
Also, this. I mean, seriously, people, of all the people available to take their pants off on this show. There was a point at which I was desperately casting my eyes about the rest of the set, searching for his pants so I could tell him where they were and to put them back on.
I found myself staring at his cock. Or, more likely, his man stuffing.
I found myself staring at his cock.
He prefers mini-man-friend.
after reading all the comments here, i'm beginning to question my taste. because there's something about Topher that has me thinking...hmmm. i'm not even referring to the pantslessness. he's setting off a kink that i didn't know i had and that i can't verbalize. off to look at Dean Winchester arm/hand/clenched jaw porn. 'scuse me...
Tiggy, I'm questioning you too. Ick!
Just noticed on IMDB that Tim directed the episode. And that Sam is only listed for one episode, sadly. Who knows how accurate that last bit is?
ita, Tim did not direct.
Oh, that's a point - Jackal pointed out Agent Paul Thingies walk to me. He has 'A Walk'. Seriously. It's ruined the show for me 'cos now all I can see is The Walk. So I thought I'd share the pain.
Talking of IMDB accuracy...
If you know who did you should update it, Kevin.