Thinking about the whole 'band candy' style show -- this is the place where it belongs. The dollhouse is messing with minds -- so it should bite them in the ass so to speak
( no no it's the name of an animal)
'Harm's Way'
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
Thinking about the whole 'band candy' style show -- this is the place where it belongs. The dollhouse is messing with minds -- so it should bite them in the ass so to speak
( no no it's the name of an animal)
and I agree with ita -- Topher should keep his pants on.
I liked this episode. It brought on some funny, and it actually filled in some of the holes that have been bugging me. But FTR I still don't like Topher.
So the drug not only removed inhibitions towards their behavior (or whatever psychobabble was spouted at the beginning), but it seemed to make the actives relive some of their worst memories. Echo remembered her boyfriend being shot and, we assume, dying, Sierra remembered being raped by her handler, Mellie remembered being attacked, and Victor remembered... something that required SWAT-type gear and explosions. I'm not remembering - was the problem that the drug was defective, or just that it was released? Because I can't think of too many positive uses for something that makes you relive your worst nightmares. On the other hand, if you just want to fuck over someone's mind, then it seems to work pretty well.
Adelle needs to be drugged up every week. "You must admit I'm very...British."
I enjoyed the episode too. I liked the actor who played Sam, so I'm glad it looks like he's going to be back. And while I don't care about Echo, I do seem to care about Caroline. I'm intrigued by her backstory.
And I am placing my bets now that her old boyfriend is Alpha. It would explain why he left her alive.
The last two eps have been much better, but I'm still pretty meh on the show. I'd probably stop watching, but DW wants to continue. She loves ED.
As much as I loved Helo, I'm finding Tahmoh very one-note on DH. He has one facial expression and it's kind of dorky.
Also Echo's outfit in this recent ep was so bad it was distracting. What the hell was that?
I absolutely hated this episode. Hated it. Man. I hope the show doesn't do any more like this.
Hated it also. And yes, why was Echo dressed like an underage anime character?
Thinking about the whole 'band candy' style show -- this is the place where it belongs. The dollhouse is messing with minds -- so it should bite them in the ass so to speak
Hated it also. And yes, why was Echo dressed like an underage anime character?
The guy whose fantasy she was supposed to be (presumably he's still handcuffed to his bed) had a motorcycle just like Kaneda's from Akira. I bet the Japanese schoolgirl wardrobe was specified in his contract with the Dollhouse.
Now they need to do a body-switch episode where all the imprints get inside the wrong Actives! Hilarity ensues!