Injustice aside, I hope Sam gets Dolled. I lurve him. And, injustice aside, I was rooting for Mellie and Paul.
Injustice in place, wrong and good on them separating.
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
Injustice aside, I hope Sam gets Dolled. I lurve him. And, injustice aside, I was rooting for Mellie and Paul.
Injustice in place, wrong and good on them separating.
Oh, and they might want to check their drug--doesn't work very well on black people.
I was hoping Boyd's reaction that made me hurt myself laughing was because that was his conscious decision as opposed to him being drugged, but even so the DOLLHOUSE version of The Naked Time was a big winner for me.
Yeah, I think Boyd was feeling the juice by then. I was surprised to see him play the piano! The man has layers.
I was surprised to see him play the piano!
Yet another moment that made me hurt myself laughing. AWESOME!
Yeah, he went under, but the only people who came out of it during the action were Sam and Boyd.
Ah, Boyd. The love is large. As with Victor. And Sam. And Topher's pants. Like, he should never take them off again. I had to shield myself.
Wow. This show had the funny in the midst of the truly evil and awful. I'm not sure why I do not have a drawer of inappropriate starches.
Victor had something that I thought of as a Xander moment - put you guns here. now ( slaps desk)
and I needed to know how Caroline got in the dollhouse. There was a big disconnect for me because the college video seemed not to be of someone that could get in trouble.
Thinking about the whole 'band candy' style show -- this is the place where it belongs. The dollhouse is messing with minds -- so it should bite them in the ass so to speak
( no no it's the name of an animal)
and I agree with ita -- Topher should keep his pants on.
I liked this episode. It brought on some funny, and it actually filled in some of the holes that have been bugging me. But FTR I still don't like Topher.