You know, I think Mr. Deep Voice is an active. He seemed like he was faking it when the others went whacky at the beginning and he recovered a heck of a lot faster than anyone else.
'The Cautionary Tale of Numero Cinco'
Jossverse 1: Emotional Resonance & Rocket Launchers
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
It's a good thing they keep repeating the threat to put Echo in The Attic every week, or, you know, we might forget.
Wow, this show just got a whole hell of a lot weirder. I love it.
You know, I wish they wouldn't give us previews at all. They give away too damn much.
Did this episode strike anyone else as a creepier version of Band Candy?
Yeah, I was just saying to Tom it's the obligatory "everyone goes temporarily crazy!" episode a la Band Candy or that episode in the first season of ST:TNG.
I liked it though. It was great seeing these people (both Dolls and Dollhouse employees) have actual *personalities*. I loved Lawrence apologizing to Echo and all the Adele/Topher stuff.
"She's sending Caroline to punish me." That was interesting.
So... SOP for people who cross Rossum (and who are young and attractive) is to get Dolled up?
"Four hours ago you were talking about how much you liked applesauce!"
I liked this episode, more than last week even, although this sadly had no shirtless Ballard.
I loved Dewitt flopping over the railing in her skirt. Not just once, but twice. Hee.
"I am your superior!"
"Yes, in every way."
I really liked the episode too.
Man, I just can't believe I actually liked an episode of this show to the point that I can/want to quote it! YAY!