because TNT/USA/whichever NBC cable channel is always playing some L&O or another.
Bravo too. I keep waiting for the announcement that Dick Wolf has bought his own cable channel, and will be running All Law and Order, All the Time.
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
because TNT/USA/whichever NBC cable channel is always playing some L&O or another.
Bravo too. I keep waiting for the announcement that Dick Wolf has bought his own cable channel, and will be running All Law and Order, All the Time.
(Olbermann) Thanks...Dick(/Olbermann)
Bravo too. I keep waiting for the announcement that Dick Wolf has bought his own cable channel, and will be running All Law and Order, All the Time.Of course, now that I've seen the Kevin Smith DVD's, every time I see L&O on, I think of what he said.
Of course, now that I've seen the Kevin Smith DVD's, every time I see L&O on, I think of what he said.
Can you share, for those of us who haven't seen the Kevin Smith DVDs (like me)?
Can you share, for those of us who haven't seen the Kevin Smith DVDs (like me)?
And those of us (like me) who watched them without absorbing what Mr. Smith said about L&O.
Can you share, for those of us who haven't seen the Kevin Smith DVDs (like me)?Aw crap, I can't remember the direct quote, and it was Netflix'd, so I can pull it up. It was in one of his stand-up/interview/college tour DVD's (I've watched 3 of them I think). Very funny. Anyhow, he was talking about writers block, and how the TV was a bad influence or some such, because it's so easy to turn on, and that when you flipped through all the channels, and couldn't decide what to watch, and the choice was turn the tv off, or watch L&O, you watch L&O because it's good, but maybe not your "Ooo it's on, let's turn on and watch" kind of show.
He does say it's one of his favorites. He even asked his agent to try and get him on the show. (paraphrase) "I don't even want a staring role or anything, I'd love to be the guy that leads to the guy that gets the guy that is arrested". Bam, a few weeks later, he's making: [link]
To add to that, if you go here: [link] A "5 minute interview with kevin smith", count how many times L&O is mentioned!
OK, now it seems like I'm a fanatic KS fan, when I'm just an average fan (won't tell story of Clerks 2 screening when he talked to me!)
omnis, you might enjoy this story.
P-C, your encounter is totally better than mine. Mine _may_ have been more memorable for him, but VERY brief. Kudos for the impromptu interview.
I love Kevin Smith. And L&O, too, really, but they're kind of all the same.
Funny image, Boreanaz stood on the Dollhouse set. (They're shooting Bones on it).