P-C, your encounter is totally better than mine. Mine _may_ have been more memorable for him, but VERY brief. Kudos for the impromptu interview.
'Dirty Girls'
Jossverse 1: Emotional Resonance & Rocket Launchers
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
I love Kevin Smith. And L&O, too, really, but they're kind of all the same.
Funny image, Boreanaz stood on the Dollhouse set. (They're shooting Bones on it).
Did y'all catch The Mayor on Breaking Bad?
I just watched Dollhouse. That's the show I was hoping for . There was a lot of talk about being squicked, but I want to be squicked by this show. I figured out there was another option for mellie Just before the scene with the badhandler. Suddenly, I am a giant fan of the character Paul.
and going back to something said earlier -- ED as Faith , usually squicked me when she fought. Usually TV/Movie fights have some vaguely rational basis -- stop the bad guy, move the obstacle, or even you killed my father, prepare to die. ED's characters seem to be fighting from pure pain. I hurt, so I hurt you. I feel her pain when she fights. It isn't sexy-- I want to take care of her and make her pain go away. Most of the time when she has fought on Dollhouse, it is from a place of pain. When brainlateringgeek guy programed her -- he had to modify the pain/ rage the character felt. ( and maybe he is the inside guy and that is why he sent lab girl to get lunch?)
Topher being the inside guy would be VERY interesting. Nothing we've seen of his character so far would hint at that, but maybe he's very good a keeping his cover intact.
It would also make his pre- and post-wipe "conversations" very resonant in retrospect.
I don't think that's how it's going to turn out, though.
Topher being the inside guy would be VERY interesting. Nothing we've seen of his character so far would hint at that, but maybe he's very good a keeping his cover intact.
In fact, his character personality directly contradicts that. This is the guy that gets off on "creating" people, he loves playing God. Why would he want to bring down the Dollhouse?
My money's still on Amy Acker or the assistant.
Why would he want to bring down the Dollhouse?
Maybe if you love the idea of playing God then bringing down heaven has an appeal as well.
Maybe if you love the idea of playing God then brining down heaven has an appeal as well.
There is a certain twisted sense to that. I can see Harry Lennix looking at him as they watch the house burn, saying "Why would you do this?" and his response "Are you kidding? I beat The Man. They said it couldn't be done, but I did it"
Fox claims they're airing all 13 episodes! Huh. Maybe this show isn't as doomed as we thought. I'd still take another season of SCC over this, though.