Why wouldn't Boyd just go to Paul himself, Erin?
Because he knows that the DH peeple are watching Paul closely and doesn't want to blow his cover?
'Lies My Parents Told Me'
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
Why wouldn't Boyd just go to Paul himself, Erin?
Because he knows that the DH peeple are watching Paul closely and doesn't want to blow his cover?
I was rewatching and I forgot about the guy who wanted to be wwith another guy. that cracked me up.
When that cutaway aired I laughed and yelled "You don't need the Dollhouse and millions of dollars for that! You just need a fishing buddy and a case of beer!"
When that cutaway aired I laughed and yelled "You don't need the Dollhouse and millions of dollars for that! You just need a fishing buddy and a case of beer!"
Why wouldn't Boyd just go to Paul himself, Erin?
Because of the...being killed ded by a powerful shadow organization... thing?? The same reason that anyone who could have tampered with the programming wouldn't have?
Well, I haven't thought it through all the way; it was an out of the blue thought. Because...hmm, anytime tou have a high-power, low-profile organization like this and you want to bring it down, legally and practically, you have to cut the head off the snake, right? This seems like a hydra; lots of huge backers, international, multinational, and also, it's TV land and Jossland; maybe there some type of weird Rambaldi kinda twist coming, so there might even be reasons behind it that are more nefarious than the usual nefarious human power type reasons. So you work on multiple levels, to get information to lead you back to the real players, whoever they might be.
And also, if you're trying to bring someone or something down, all of the players, even (maybe especially) if they're on the same side, don't know who each other are.
I'm totally pulling this out of my ass.
I don't think of the DH as good and bad. It is bad.
I have not seen a single thing DH has done that isn't sullied by what they do to the "dolls." The religious cult might be the only example, but they performed very invasive surgery on Echo to get that camera behind her eyes. Just ew.
If they were saving the world each week, I might see the good in it, but as rich people's servants and playthings it isn't really a "good." I am actively rooting against the Dollhouse and I want all 20 burned to the ground.
le nubian speaks for me. 100%.
I might be able to see this story as a made for TV movie more than a series. In keeping with a long line of bad SciFi channel movies. Evil Dollhouse eventually taken down from within, all in a couple hours, if you must it could be dragged out into a mini-series. That would be more entertaining for me. (I'm not caught up yet, maybe the last one will grab me, but the comments don't convince me it will.)
I think of the Dollhouse as very much like Wolfram and Hart. Not everyone who works there is pure evil, but they have sold their souls just the same.
Finally caught up - mini-meara commentary.
I was really glad they didn't kill Mellie. I was positive up until the point that Adelle's voice came over the phone that that's where they were going (especially after the shot of the rose-petal-covered bed during the Patton Oswald section - my reaction to Echo's "See! Porn!" was "That, or Angelus just killed somebody's girlfriend"). The tragic music, the shots of Paul running and trying to call her - perfect misdirect. I cackled with laughter when her programming kicked in.
Does anyone else think Paul has a history with Caroline, possibly familial? During his conversation with Patton Oswald, with that wonderful (thank you, Teppy) "Bitch, PLEASE!" expression on his face, I kept waiting for him to say something along the lines of "Buddy, you are SO off base."
It is kind of funny that they were concerned about lingering effects for Sierra when it's business as usual for them to wipe Echo's mind clean of traumatic experiences like being the Most Dangerous Game or having sex with Patton Oswalt.
I think it may have to do with the fact that the abuse came when Sierra was in her Doll state. They now have to recreate her default mode, instead of just bringing her back to it.
Agreed with Hec on knowing Adelle's backstory. It would be funny if it somehow turned out that she was the inside person.
I think it may have to do with the fact that the abuse came when Sierra was in her Doll state. They now have to recreate her default mode, instead of just bringing her back to it.
Yeah, also, because the previous wiping seems to not have been complete, given the freakout on Viktor.
Aw, Viktor. He's the only one that brings a sense of life to his Doll state.