Although the paragraph containing "titillating" says yes, more gratuitous sex, the following paragraph seemed to read counter to that. That it would be more (ideal) Inara situations. The "let's talk about sex and sexuality in addition to showing it" that I vaguely remember reading about.
I'm so confused. Even if he really meant the latter, it didn't pan out well for Inara. (Whore!)
There are a lot of interviews saying they are aware of the "ick factor", it is uncomfortable, they want to deal with responsibly, empowering, blah...
And then we have last weeks episode where the head nerd has a live feed of the shower camera and it's just base exploitation with a joke on top. Of the million ways to show us that Victor remembers Sierra they chose the one with the least clothes.
I think that it wasn't just about Victor remembering Sierra (remember the scene last week about them sitting at the same table?), it was about the fact that the dolls are losing their innocence.
Also, I find the shower scene rather low on the exploitation scale compared to some other elements that have been in the show since the first episode.
That's probably because, as every network executive knows, male nudity and sexuality couldn't possibly be considered hot, so it's just played for laughs. rolls eyes forever...
male nudity and sexuality couldn't possibly be considered hot, so it's just played for laughs.
The Slash Channel, with every buddy cop show ever made.
Isn't televised slash much more entertaining when it's not intentional?
Fay, Sci-Fi have picked up the UK rights.
They're going to be airing it without widescreen (so some of the screen cut out) and I suspect with cuts (each episode is 50 minutes, which leads little room for commercials).
My favourite quote from the press release:
"The special effects in [this] series are genuinely show-stopping and likely to be the subject of many water-cooler moments for fans."
That's good to know, but I'm in Thailand, mate.