So it's a fat joke?
Oh, no! I didn't think it was a fat joke at all. I thought it was obvious that she made her "leftovers" specially for Agent Helo. That's what was cute.
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
So it's a fat joke?
Oh, no! I didn't think it was a fat joke at all. I thought it was obvious that she made her "leftovers" specially for Agent Helo. That's what was cute.
I had to pause the episode until I figured out who the convenience store owner was. It was Jeff from Chuck, right?
Still wondering from where I recognized Seth, the cult sidekick who set the fire...
I liked her outfit too, Steph. DH and both commented on her bodacious figure. But yeah, so far she doesn't have much to do.
I'm starting to weird out that Echo always says "Did I fall asleep?" after she's been wiped. A normal person varies what he says when he wakes up from a nap. Has she been programed to say that? And if so, why? Is it the equivalent to the bleep a Mac makes when you turn it on?
I'm liking Echo more now that there's more there there to like, but I have to say, how long has the Dollhouse been running? It seems like there's no way they can keep an Active in a tabula rasa state for 5 whole years. It's not just Alpha and Echo, Sierra and Victor too.
And oh dear, this is taking me down a whole 'nother line of thought, about another institution based on a failure to recognize the basic humanity of another human being. I'll be interested to see if the show plays up the Dollhouse staff's lack of perception/denial of the Actives' personalities.
I had to pause the episode until I figured out who the convenience store owner was. It was Jeff from Chuck, right?
Nope. I don't think it looks like him at all. IMDb doesn't seem to have the character listed.
Still wondering from where I recognized Seth, the cult sidekick who set the fire...
Seth is David Alpay. Do you watch The Tudors ? Ooh, hey, he was in Slings and Arrows ! Yeah! He was the actor who played Romeo.
I'm starting to weird out that Echo always says "Did I fall asleep?" after she's been wiped. A normal person varies what he says when he wakes up from a nap. Has she been programed to say that? And if so, why? Is it the equivalent to the bleep a Mac makes when you turn it on?
Waking up from a wipe is supposed to be a very traumatic experience. A familiar exchange would be comforting and ease the Active back into reality. I like that aspect. In "Grey Hour," she asks, "Did I fall asleep?" and there's no one there to answer her, so she breaks down.
Has she been programed to say that? And if so, why?
Yeah, it's part of the call and response thing. Langton has a routine with Echo too, as we saw in the (*hork*) second episode. There are clearly programmed triggers that are designed to produce a specific response in the Active.
Nope. I don't think it looks like him at all.
FAQWife and I thought so. I remain convinced.
IMDb doesn't seem to have the character listed.
That doesn't mean much. Harris "Quentin Travers" Yulin was on Damages last week -- the actor was even in the credits -- and his Damages role isn't mentioned on IMDB.
Victor also said "did I fall asleep" when he was wiped. So I figure this is standard programming for all of them.
The way Topher says "for a little while" each episodes creeps me out. There's a lot to be creeped out about on this show, but that seems extra icky to me in some way.
Yeah, I thought she was gorgeous from the get-go, and thought the whole point was that Not!Helo is too buried in work to notice the hot girl next door.
I am Victor in this. And I am P-C in thinking the whole lasagne (I know it wasn't lasagne, but I can't remember what it was) as "leftovers" was sort of sweet. Obvious, but whatever. She could just as easily say, "Here, I made this for you," though. Considerate act of a neighbor who knows you work crazy hours and probably don't cook much good food for yourself.
Also, I think there's more to neighbor woman. There's an angle there, aside from the obvious.
I don't think Jeff from Chuck was on this ep, though.
And I am P-C in thinking the whole lasagne (I know it wasn't lasagne, but I can't remember what it was)
She could just as easily say, "Here, I made this for you," though. Considerate act of a neighbor who knows you work crazy hours and probably don't cook much good food for yourself.
Well, she's trying to be coy!