I've tended to see him as the kind of guy who signs up for Women's Studies classes primarily as a way to meet women.
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
I've tended to see him as the kind of guy who signs up for Women's Studies classes primarily as a way to meet women.
OMG, so much that.
Seconded to infinity.
As has been said, I won't stop loving his products, up until now, but I will look at any future stuff with a jaundiced eye. I won't be able to help it.
Hey, Frank!!!
Hi, Frank!
The whole awful thing with Bill Cosby, I couldn't believe it at first. Mostly I'm able to separate the creator from the work, but Cosby kinda is his work, and I can't watch it anymore.
I find the nature of the work has a lot to do with it. Like, knowing what we know now about Roman Polanski doesn't exactly interfere with the impact of a horror movie about a woman who gets raped by the Devil, y'know?
Hi Nora and Zen! Been a weird time and I should write it up for the apocalypse thread. Long story sort of, got called on the carpet at work for cyberloafing (guilty as charged) but also have had some health issues. Managed to fix things at work, but I just can't keep up here like I used. Also, and I hate to say this because it's a major downer, ita passing really put a damper on my board enthusiasm.
Mostly I'm able to separate the creator from the work, but Cosby kinda is his work, and I can't watch it anymore.
I know. It's almost impossible to not think of the Noah bit he did and I now feel guilty every time I do.
Man, fuck Bill Cosby and his hypocritical self-righteous preaching. Fuck the cartoons and the pudding pops and the Huxtables.
This is not a new thought, I'm just reminded of it. Not only does it tarnish memories of him, but anyone who defends him is pretty complicit at this point. And I'm angry at him for taking away things I loved.
And I'm angry at him for taking away things I loved.
This. SO much this. Records I used to borrow from library as a kid, tainted forever.
Fuck the cartoons and the pudding pops and the Huxtables.
I'm with you, but this seriously made me LOL.