Toasters all around.
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
Toasters all around.
Did y'all see the whole brouhaha about the leaked Joss WW script a couple weeks ago? Joss Whedon and the Terrible, Horrible, No-Good, Very Bad Script: A Wonder Woman Story.
I really hate that he's doing reshoots on Justice League.
I did. It made me sad.
But we watched through the end of Our Mrs. Reynolds today and will continue another time, and I'm happy to report that Firefly is still awesome.
Oh yes, Nora. It's got just enough of his quirks baked into the mix that I can't convince myself it's a hoax perpetrated by someone who hates him.
Though that script is Casablanca compared to the one someone wrote when they were trying to get Sandra Bullock as Wonder Woman. I feel like I should send her a thank you note for making sure that travesty never saw the light of day.
Charisma Carpenter on Battle of the Network Stars.
There has been a lot of work on what was a gorgeous face to begin with.
She does have an amazing running form though.
There has been a lot of work on what was a gorgeous face to begin with.
I notice that as actors I started watching years (or decades) ago continue to appear on TV/in movies, they all have had cosmetic work. It's unfortunately a requirement for them to try to stay relevant. Like, Tom Cruise looks fantastic, but he doesn't have a portrait in the attic. I mean, I was watching him in movies 30 years ago. He's just had exceptionally good cosmetic work.
I think for women it's even harder. Because a Robert Redford or a Harrison Ford can eventually embrace the craggy side (though they've also had work done -- there's literally no one in Hollywood who hasn't), but women can't. You can point out older actresses -- Maggie Smith, Judi Dench, Helen Mirren -- but they still can't age the same way men can and still hope to land roles.
It really blows.
I totally agree, but I'm wondering about two things.
1) Why do they start so early? It seems to me to be way before age is noticeably distracting.
2) Where are the good practitioners? I get that Tom Cruise has more money than God, but how is it that so many of the (I'm assuming) LA plastos are just terrible? The same face, executed badly.
It reminds me of an interview with Brigitte Neilson, who talked about going to Germany where 'they freshen you up' rather than rebuilding what is still working.
Don't get me started on, why can't we be like other countries that actually respect their aging citizens.
The same face, executed badly.
It's possible the people getting the procedures are requesting unrealistic outcomes.
I'm _sure_ that is happening, but with all the stuff in the media about duck face and disappearing eyes, you'd think that everyone involved would strive for 'not that.'
But, the truth is, women who go this way are still getting cast so...I guess it's working.
And, I'm totally projecting. I couldn't even stand asymmetrical EAR piercings. Even if lip and cheek implants and tugging skin would make me handsome enough to be worth it, I could not do it. (needle thing and total squick about any form of foreign object) My genes simply don't support such efforts, so I'm safe I guess.
I figure, if you have the dosh and want/need to go this way, I think you should. I just wish it reaped better results.