Fitz/Mack would have been fun, too.
Jossverse 1: Emotional Resonance & Rocket Launchers
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
I wish they'd had the stones to go with Fitz/Mack, which then would have allowed him to shut Jemma down this week with "I've moved on."
I kind of thought that when Jemma picked the worst possible time to say "You know, we never talked about what you said at the bottom of the ocean," that Fitz would say, "Yeah, after all this time, I don't feel that way anymore." I *really* hoped he would. (Fitz/Mack would have been the icing on the cake.)
Yeah, a year later is a bit long. But I kind of like the Wesley-lite Fitz and the more ruthless Jemma. Such fluffy bunnies when we met them.
I could have done with a little less of the "OMG you/I might die I just realized I lurve you!" thing. Bobbie/Hunter, Fitz/Gemma, and sort of May/Andrew.
We don't know what Bobbie has decided, right? Her "I can't do this anymore" read ambivalently to me; did she mean SHIELD or her on again/off again with Hunter?
There was a spin-off in the works for her that was nixed after that was filmed. I bet they rewrite it so it's "I can't do this without you".
Yeah, I figured that was spin-off fodder, and she'll actually can do this anymore tomorrow.
::shifty eyes::
I could be a Coulson/Skye shipper. Just like I, very occasionally, shipped Buffy/Giles (when she was older, anything past season 6 and mostly future fic. Slaying ages a girl.)
I fully understand the impulse to being a Coulson/Skye shipper. At Skye's age, I'd be, well, wanting to be all over that. But now I'm at the age when I can kick them out of my way with justification. Like straight-arming that 14-yaer-old at the Warped Tour who was trying to bogart my view of Billy Idol.
I still just don't like Skye enough to ship her with Coulson. She's come a long way, but he can still do much, much better.
he can still do much, much better.
Yes. Yes, he can. t resists the urge to volunteer