Yeah, a year later is a bit long. But I kind of like the Wesley-lite Fitz and the more ruthless Jemma. Such fluffy bunnies when we met them.
Jossverse 1: Emotional Resonance & Rocket Launchers
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
I could have done with a little less of the "OMG you/I might die I just realized I lurve you!" thing. Bobbie/Hunter, Fitz/Gemma, and sort of May/Andrew.
We don't know what Bobbie has decided, right? Her "I can't do this anymore" read ambivalently to me; did she mean SHIELD or her on again/off again with Hunter?
There was a spin-off in the works for her that was nixed after that was filmed. I bet they rewrite it so it's "I can't do this without you".
Yeah, I figured that was spin-off fodder, and she'll actually can do this anymore tomorrow.
::shifty eyes::
I could be a Coulson/Skye shipper. Just like I, very occasionally, shipped Buffy/Giles (when she was older, anything past season 6 and mostly future fic. Slaying ages a girl.)
I fully understand the impulse to being a Coulson/Skye shipper. At Skye's age, I'd be, well, wanting to be all over that. But now I'm at the age when I can kick them out of my way with justification. Like straight-arming that 14-yaer-old at the Warped Tour who was trying to bogart my view of Billy Idol.
I still just don't like Skye enough to ship her with Coulson. She's come a long way, but he can still do much, much better.
he can still do much, much better.
Yes. Yes, he can. t resists the urge to volunteer
I will fight you, Connie.
...though I don't think either of us would be willing to take Jennifer Grey.
We can switch off companion duties when she's out of town.