I just hope Cal survives whatever rage induced shenanigans he gets up to at SHIELD HQ because Kyle MacLachlan has been delightful on AoS and I'd hate to lose him.
'Smile Time'
Jossverse 1: Emotional Resonance & Rocket Launchers
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
Tomorrow is the two-hour finale. Anticipation ....
Let's see--Gonzalez dead, Inhumans attacking, Cal will probably lay waste to Phil's nice base on his way to eviscerate Phil, Skye will have to choose sides, Ward doing whatever but evilly, Gemma kicking surprising ass, Fitz being brilliant and cunning, hopefully Mack got out before the carnage begins otherwise he's toast, and perhaps a surprise Avenger appearance, a la last year? Perhaps Fury himself will show up again? I bet Phil's about to inherit an aircraft carrier.
(comics spoilers) How about a giant bulldog shows up and everyone hugs him and all their problems are solved?
Seriously, though, can how much can Jaiying escalate things before the top-tier Inhumans whose movie won't come out until 2019 and haven't been cast yet show up?
Puppies and rainbows are canon? That's kind of awesome.
Lockjaw is kind of awesome.
Bizarro Dog is best dog.
Okay, tied with Pizza Dog.
Holy crap! Is Jaiying the MCU's version of Selene?
I don't know who Selene is, but I was thinking a little Jasmine from Angel.