(comics spoilers) How about a giant bulldog shows up and everyone hugs him and all their problems are solved?
Seriously, though, can how much can Jaiying escalate things before
the top-tier Inhumans whose movie won't come out until 2019 and haven't been cast yet
show up?
Puppies and rainbows are canon? That's kind of awesome.
Lockjaw is kind of awesome.
Bizarro Dog is best dog.
Okay, tied with Pizza Dog.
Holy crap! Is Jaiying the MCU's version of Selene?
I don't know who Selene is, but I was thinking a little Jasmine from Angel.
Dang, Coulson's hand was totally unexpected, as was mindwiping Crazy Dad.
I'm glad that they didn't kill Cal. He's too much fun.
Well, DANG, that was a last-minute HOLY SHIT moment.
OH MY FUCKING GOD! Noooooo! Thank god this show was renewed, because if it had ended like that, I'd be pissed.