My mother spoke highly of them.
Jossverse 1: Emotional Resonance & Rocket Launchers
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
I always wanted to eat at an Automat.
I got food at an Automat! Lemon meringue pie.
I suspect there is no Mrs. Jarvis. (Unless -- did we actually hear her in the background in the first hour?
We did. He was making the souffle and she came home. I think he called her by her name. Anna, I think? I actually like that he seems happily married. This way, Peggy and Jarvis can have sparks and banter and partnership without it turning into a hackneyed will-they won't-they. Although boy, these two did have great chemistry together.
I wonder if they'll do more with the women being shunted to the side as the men come home from war.
I lived in an all-woman boarding house for a few months while on a business trip. Quite a bit less strait-laced and elegant.
I think that Mrs. Jarvis is a mother or a sister. Or in a Jossian twist, a man.
But, seriously, I can't see Howard Stark's butler being married, or going to bed at 9 every night. Hell, Stark's probably just getting dressed to go out at 9.
I had a really bad therapy session yesterday, I was in a crappy mood, and I didn't enjoy it as much as I wanted.
Haley was great, of course, but I found the plot way too confusing. Who are the bad guys? Who's on what side? What do the bad guys want? Do they want to sell Stark's tech, or do they want to use it? Are the people selling Stark's tech different from the people who want to use it? If Carter's mission is to clear Stark's name, then why does she keep doing things that further implicate him?
And Ray Wise is the big bad, right? Because Ray Wise.
And Ray Wise is the big bad, right? Because Ray Wise.
So true.
I'm assuming that the bad guys are some iteration of Hydra. Because.
I saw the name James D'Arcy in the credits and then took forever to recognize him. Ditto Chad Michael Murray. What is up with people getting older?
I was pretty happy to see James Frain, and sad he isn't sticking around longer.
I get a bit of a Wesley vibe off of Jarvis, which I quite like.
I assume Wise is playing a 40s version of Roxxon president Hugh Jones. Villainous masterminding seemslikely.