I also wanted Whitehall's death to be more painful.
It's like you think he's actually dead. Raise your hand if you think that he's going to be back Raises hand
I wonder what happened to Raina?
Guess she wasn't worthy.
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
I also wanted Whitehall's death to be more painful.
It's like you think he's actually dead. Raise your hand if you think that he's going to be back Raises hand
I wonder what happened to Raina?
Guess she wasn't worthy.
Yeah, a single gunshot may easily be dealt with by SkyeMom's "gift".
Ahhhhhhh, she's Daisy Johnson and her dad is Mister Hyde!!!
!!! I didn't realize she was a real character! That confirmed that her dad WAS Mr. Hyde!!! And holy shit she's QUAKE.
(Also it took me till later to recognize the song he was humming.)
And hooray for SkyeDaisy shooting Ward!
Ward's probably going to go off and start his own Anti Sheild/HYDRA rival with May Look alike to be his devoted follower.
For some reason it didn't register until tonight that Ming Na was playing a dual role.
Also I really love Ward now?? "I can watch. And help, if you want."
Was that supposed to be Dr. Strange/Cumberbatch at the end?
Man, this season started out kind of rough but it got so good.
I wonder what happened to Raina?
Guess she wasn't worthy.
The things I'm learning tonight.
I think it's actually Trip who wasn't worthy. He was human, not Inhuman.
Uhg. They killed Trip. I liked Trip.
What a dumb way to die in a dumb scene that required at least four characters to do really dumb things in order to get to that point.
Also, your alien obelisk needs to go on an altar, not the center of a circle. That way you can shoot the scene using the 180° rule, and then the audience can figure out just what the fuck is going on.
It's like you think he's actually dead. Raise your hand if you think that he's going to be back Raises hand
I haven't even seen the episode, but I know a former Nazi villain in a Marvel property is never really dead!
I am also really not ok with killing off Mack AND Trip in one episode. I guess Mack's not really dead, but seriously, we're killing Trip just because he's run out of analog SHIELD toys? NOT COOL.
Other than that this was a pretty kick-ass finale. Skye shooting Ward = yes. Coulson's ridiculous fight with Skye's dad = yes. May's insane maneuver with the plane = yes. Skye/Daisy's origin story = surprisingly yes!
I guess I have to read up on Daisy Johnson now, huh. All I could think when he was humming that song was HAL.
I'm pretty sure Mack's not dead.
It's like you think he's actually dead. Raise your hand if you think that he's going to be back.
Raises hand
I think he'll probably be dead for a while so they can move onto the new Daisy/Quake stuff, and then come back when they need HYDRA again as a villain.