That's weird and fun, Pix.
So I finally saw this episode, and I am beginning to feel like it's finally firing on all cylinders. The characters are complicating nicely, and their agendas are getting messy. Having Skye!Dad (do we have a name for him yet?) team up with Coulson to save Trip was weird but interesting.
And I am beginning to see Ward as this universe's version of Krycek, with a dash of Spike thrown in. He's pretty fucking amoral, unpredictable, and yet has an emotional connection to one of the protagonists that may lead to even more unpredictable actions. They're not going to kill him off because they need him to stir the shit, as it were.
I still dislike him, but he is beginning to fit into the overall plot in a way that I can appreciate. Whereas Hunter still doesn't. I don't care how good his abs are; he's not good enough for Tyra Collette Bobbi.
So my brother made a Firefly bike:
And I am beginning to see Ward as this universe's version of Krycek, with a dash of Spike thrown in.
I like your theory and wish to join your club.
As far as Kyle goes, he's just been "The Doctor" so far. Which I find hilarious for meta reasons.
And I am beginning to see Ward as this universe's version of Krycek, with a dash of Spike thrown in.
I like your theory and wish to join your club.
Where do I sign up?
Predictably, there is a contingent of fandom who continue to characterize Ward as a misunderstood woobie. Here are some choice quotes:
I am so, so proud of Ward. I am so absolutely proud of this boy for having come so fucking far and realized so much.
I’m sad it had to end in murder, if only for Ward’s sake; he should be able to move on from violence and live freely
Honestly, if people don’t want to believe in Grant Ward more after this episode…. I don’t think anything will ever make them see Grant Ward as more than their own personal villain. Because this scene just showed us that we’re supposed to be rooting for him still.
And I am beginning to see Ward as this universe's version of Krycek, with a dash of Spike thrown in.
This works for me. PC's choice quotes, on the other hand, terrify me. "I'm sad it had to end in murder." Really? Really? I hope these people don't vote. (Although, if they do, it would explain a lot.)
Why do I have the suspicion that if Ward had been played by, say, Mickey Roarke from the beginning his ruthless murders wouldn't be excused as cries for help by a poor, misunderstood woobie?
well, that proves then point that pretty people can get away with a lot.
I see stuff like that and wonder how people can honestly think like that and then I remember that Charles Manson is getting married.
"I'm sad it had to end in murder." Really? Really?
That is my favorite line and I want to find some way to use it in something.
Ward is a fascinating character. For 3/4s of the first season he was a kind of gormless hero of the standard type. Now he's revealed as a near psychopath, and he has been the whole time. I'm going to have to rewatch the first season just to reevaluate the whole thing. You certainly can't accuse them of avoiding character development,