Oh, and I don't think Agent Xena is dead. The whole deal with the obelisk is that it "defeats death" or some equally dramatic phrase. She'll be back.
(Seriously, though, she had the worst day ever. Mystical obelisk destroys your hand and tries to kill you, your colleague cuts your hand off with a hunting knife in the back of a moving vehicle, AND THEN Absorbing Man shows up, turns to asphalt, and flips your SUV. Agent Xena CANNOT catch a damn break.)
Yeah, that'd be too easy to kill her now. I figured Creel would pick up the obelisk by Agent Xena's hand.
I figured Creel would pick up the obelisk by Agent Xena's hand.
I did, too! I didn't count on his self-galvanizing hand.
I'm interested to find out if he can turn into obelisk-stuff faster than it kills him. Or whatever it does that killing is maybe a side-effect of. Gotta be tempting for someone who enjoys having new materials to become.
I think a car hitting an asphalt lump would still flip but seriously deform the lump. (Asphalt is not all that stiff and unyielding, hence the number of potholes, broken off bits and whatnot.) Still, you work with the materials at hand, so to speak.
I'm willing to hand-wave that as "this makes for a cool visual." I figure he easily could have been carrying a tire iron or whatever and absorbed that for the same effect.
I just thought it was concrete.
Teppy, I'm loving your phrasing on these comments.
New Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. tonight!
So it's looking like Fitz realizes, on some level, the Simmons isn't actually there (though I was amused that his hallucination felt the need to argue for her existence to people who couldn't hear her.)
Also, hey, Mack actually got to participate in the episode. Also, good on him for bonding with Fitz.
Still lacking the funny (there were a couple attempts at jokes, but they fell really flat.)
I really hope the preview for next week was intentionally misleading.