I'd still like to see Agent May stop by every so often to beat him up ... but at this point he'd probably enjoy it. sigh ...
Jossverse 1: Emotional Resonance & Rocket Launchers
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
Ward is the Riley of this show. Clearly meant to be attractive to the ingenue lead, but so fucking boring to the audience, except when he's being an asshole.
I don't know, I found Riley most interesting when he was just being Dr. Walsh's grad assistant and the nice prospective boyfriend. It was all the supposedly interesting and dark stuff that got added on later that bored me to tears.
Ward's sort of the opposite, only popping out of the background when actively being evil and dangerous.
I'm wondering what he knows about Skye's father, since he didn't seem to know it at the end of last season--or did he!
Maybe the thrashing May gave him jogged his memory, Fezzik-style.
Wow, I did not expect the Simmons reveal (or not!Simmons reveal).
Dang, I really love Tripp.
Hate Skye's bangs.
I always love an episode with General Talbot, because it allows me to make Tom of Finland jokes. What a magnificent mustache!
Oh, and I don't think Agent Xena is dead. The whole deal with the obelisk is that it "defeats death" or some equally dramatic phrase. She'll be back.
(Seriously, though, she had the worst day ever. Mystical obelisk destroys your hand and tries to kill you, your colleague cuts your hand off with a hunting knife in the back of a moving vehicle, AND THEN Absorbing Man shows up, turns to asphalt, and flips your SUV. Agent Xena CANNOT catch a damn break.)
Yeah, that'd be too easy to kill her now. I figured Creel would pick up the obelisk by Agent Xena's hand.
I figured Creel would pick up the obelisk by Agent Xena's hand.
I did, too! I didn't count on his self-galvanizing hand.
I'm interested to find out if he can turn into obelisk-stuff faster than it kills him. Or whatever it does that killing is maybe a side-effect of. Gotta be tempting for someone who enjoys having new materials to become.