Every time I hear Kree, I think of Stargate SG-1 and the Jaffa.
Me, too. Then I start imagining how the two teams would reach to each other. The Daniel + FitzSimmons gabfest would be epic.
'Just Rewards (2)'
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
Every time I hear Kree, I think of Stargate SG-1 and the Jaffa.
Me, too. Then I start imagining how the two teams would reach to each other. The Daniel + FitzSimmons gabfest would be epic.
I watched Stargate Atlantis. May and Teyla, sparring. Skye nearby, saying "Teach me your wisdom!"
They can always pull Ward out and let May kick him around some more ... I think I might pay to see that.
I would pretty much pay to see May kick anyone around. Hell, I'd tune in for 42 minutes of May kicking people around. Talk about appointment TV.
The Daniel + FitzSimmons gabfest would be epic.
And then Sam would join them... a perfect storm of geekery and brilliance.
a perfect storm of geekery and brilliance.
Heh. Although I can't see Jack O'Neill being all that impressed with Coulson's managerial skills. He would not have been all starry-eyed about Skye, that's for sure. But he'd like May a LOT.
I imagine Teal'c staring down at Ward, saying "Indeed", keeping staring until Ward walks away like he totally has something important to do somewhere else.
I'm imagining Bra'tac pounding the stuffing out of Ward without breaking a sweat or him landing a single blow.
Just for fun.
I like it better when Ward just rolls over and presents his tummy like a good little omega "predator". Teal'c then picks him up by the scruff of his neck (or choke hold, whichever floats your boat), and tosses him out of the relevant proceedings.
See how magnanimous I am by leaving out leg humping and pee marking? I could hate Ward more, but the truth is I am enjoying hating him, as opposed to only wanting to see him naked at the start of the season.
I imagine Teal'c staring down at Ward, saying "Indeed", keeping staring until Ward walks away like he totally has something important to do somewhere else.
I love this so much.
I remember one Stargate when Teal'c and, I believe, Bra'tac are walking through an area with bodies all around and Teal'c says, "this meeting did not go well." I LOVE that deadpan understatement ... and, some days, I quote that to someone.