That's it, P-C, you're out.
I hope you enjoyed the season, but you FAIL out of S2.
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
That's it, P-C, you're out.
I hope you enjoyed the season, but you FAIL out of S2.
Man, I think I missed something. Did Ward threaten to rape Skye? When was that?
He pointed a gun at her and said, “Maybe I’ll just take what I want, wake up something inside of you.”
I figured he was talking about the "monster".
The monster is his penis.
I would really like the second season to open up with Coulson finishing up the wall, and then shaking off a trance/sleepwalk.
He then looks at the wall, and at the knife in his hand and says, "Huh."
Then he calls in Skye and May.
"Yeah, I said that, too."
Knife in his hand - extra layer of "huh".
I liked that the writing has to be done as an inscription, not just writing.
Damned soft walls in that place.
Knife in his hand - extra later of "huh".
I just rewatched and corrected that. Heh.
Damned soft walls in that place.
That's because they have to give a little, what with people being flung into them on occasion.