I had totally forgotten it, but I assumed it was something I should have recognized.
It was their thing in the first episode--I may have heard it three times, at least twice.
'The Girl in Question'
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
I had totally forgotten it, but I assumed it was something I should have recognized.
It was their thing in the first episode--I may have heard it three times, at least twice.
Oh, I'm sure it was repeatedly said in the first episode. But that was months ago, and they didn't stick it in the previouslies! How am I supposed to know what I'm supposed to remember if it's not in the previouslies?
It was in the previouslies, the "We're a team" thing. I thought they just put it in there for pathos' sake.
How am I supposed to know what I'm supposed to remember if I don't pay enough attention to the previouslies?
That's it, P-C, you're out.
I hope you enjoyed the season, but you FAIL out of S2.
Man, I think I missed something. Did Ward threaten to rape Skye? When was that?
He pointed a gun at her and said, “Maybe I’ll just take what I want, wake up something inside of you.”
I figured he was talking about the "monster".
The monster is his penis.
I would really like the second season to open up with Coulson finishing up the wall, and then shaking off a trance/sleepwalk.
He then looks at the wall, and at the knife in his hand and says, "Huh."
Then he calls in Skye and May.
"Yeah, I said that, too."