In regards to the Cube.
It's waaay bigger on the inside?
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In regards to the Cube.
It's waaay bigger on the inside?
Didn't they do an autopsy on Billy? Unless LMDs are really, really good, I'm gonna have to go with clone/twin.
I'm really looking forward to S2. They left so much to play with--the cube, rebuilding SHIELD, Raina, Skye's parent, Phil's night writing, etc.
And with Agent Carter being scheduled for the winter hiatus, I could see some interesting parallels developing, with building SHIELD in her show and Phil et al rebuilding it in theirs.
And with Agent Carter being scheduled for the winter hiatus, I could see some interesting parallels developing, with building SHIELD in her show and Phil et al rebuilding it in theirs.
Ooh, I like the sound of that!
I vote twin.
I never heard the brother line. That's helpful because my mind immediately went to clone.
I need help with the night writing. Didn't Garrett do that too? Where did I see that code before? Did Garrett infect him or something?
Bonny, I think it means he is having side effects to the alien blood. Not as bad as Garrett, but something.
Yes, Garrett did it too. It's likely connected to the alien blood.
Did Garrett infect him or something?
I'm thinking that recipients of the drug are picking up bits of alien knowledge, and the recipients can't handle it. This may be where Skye's difference comes in, she'll be able to interpret it and save Phil from going as mad as Garrett. Phil's sense of duty may be stronger than Garrett's megalomania, which should hold him saner for longer.
Which is a good juicy arc for Season 2, what are the results of the drug, how is Skye different, how did Raina hook up with Skye's parent, is Phil going nuts, how do we recreate SHIELD, how do we save Phil?
Thanks so much for the through-line. I totally missed that detail.
There's been speculation that if the blue alien is Kree, the compulsive writing is caused by a connection to the Kree Supreme Intelligence.
Going back to Ward and the dog someone on another site pointed out the parallels between the dog and Fitz/Simmons. He couldn't bring himself to kill either while looking them in the eye, needing to distance himself with the rifle/turning his back to dump the container.
With FitzSimmons in the box, when Simmons said "We're going to die in here," I said, "Time for the wild monkey sex." When some of them mentioned monkeys, Hubby said, "Well, there's the wild monkey sex."
Gemma is so going to yell at Fitz for being noble and giving her the air!