And the return of the bigass gun! He knows what it does now. Brilliant.
Jossverse 1: Emotional Resonance & Rocket Launchers
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
OK, that was fun! More of that next season please.
More: The callbacks were excellent, especially the big ass gun, and Fitz saying "It's a SHIELD frequency, no one's listening to it." Oh, but someone is!
And Fury obviously has some sort of organization going, to supply the chopper and med crews etc.
I wonder how much ULTRON runup they'll be doing.
I loved that Coulson knew what the gun did. And the final takedown was very Jossian in its undercutting of bombasticness.
The final shot of the new team was a sharp contrast to the old team: only one white guy now.
I would love it if we never saw Ward again. That's more fitting than any half-assed redemption arc.
I really want to know what could be in that leeetle tiny box that would build an org 'from scratch' .
I'm with Connie. If Patton is back (yay!), then there is some sort of structure in place, right?
This was my favorite episode ever, I have to say. I too hope that we get more of this next season.
So good, so good, so good! EEEEEEE!
That’s pretty much all I’ve got other than what everyone else said. I’m all gleeful!
So very much fun! God help me, I even liked Skye in that.
(...don't let the door hit ya, Ward.)
Bonny, I would say that this is leftover structure, not new structure. When SHIELD fell, the guys like Koenig just stayed where they were, because they never got orders to come in.
Anyone else think "Billy" is an LMD?
I'm so happy this show has become the self-aware live-action comic book I knew it could be. That was fun times. Garrett was a pure comic book villain, and Bill Paxton left no scenery unchewed, but I was ready to move on, so his end was great.
Fitz! Simmons! My emotions!
I'm actually kind of interested to see where they go with Ward, and I'm glad they're not rushing to "redeem" him or whatever. But they've planted a seed for him to Spike it up later.
I am so fucking intrigued by Raina.
Everyone caught the very-very-end with Coulson getting up in the middle of the night, right?
Coulson came back wrong.
Raina's still out there. With Skye's parent! Will she bust Ward out of wherever he is? Will Ward be a recurring big bad out for revenge? Season 2 will be fun!