Bill Paxton is just not a good actor. I'm sorry, but I said it.
Oh, I am totally in that corner.
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
Bill Paxton is just not a good actor. I'm sorry, but I said it.
Oh, I am totally in that corner.
Me too.
He plays the same character, which sometimes works, but not so much in this case.
I kind of love Garrett. He's so cheerfully evil.
He's like Ron Swanson with no moral compass. Or a moral compass with the polarity reversed.
I love the file transfer protocol. LOVE!
I also love that Ward was Hydra before he was Shield (although not quite as much). I will not be pleased if he does get redeemed. Unless they really really surprise me and totally win me over, I suppose. But even if that happens I think I will resent it. If it happens which I hope it does not.
I hoped I was wrong, but when I was not, I broke up with the show. Honestly. It was cheap, unnecessary emo-wringing and, frankly, working with abused dogs, like I have, I don't need to see the audience being schooled in how to prove you are tough by killing a loyal creature.
What did I miss? It looked to me like Ward let the dog go.
What did I miss?
He did let him go once, but then...crosshairs/bang.
What did I miss?
On re-watch: telescopic sight following the dog as it runs, loud mechanical sound as the scene shifts back to the plane in the present. The sound could have been a gunshot, could have been the release of the container from the plane, could have been both.
Was "Pablo Jimenez" a reference to anything?
They come from warring factions on the planet of Winsome Big-Eyed Brunettes. Syke's parents were warriors of clan Just Say What You Mean, Goddamnit, while Raina's people hail from the Kingdom of Oblique Referrals.
This is AWESOME!
I actually thought when Raina said that Skye's parents were monsters "Skye's parents were Godzilla and Mothra?" then I realized it was the wrong country. That's how my brain works.
Was "Pablo Jimenez" a reference to anything?
Possibly a reference to artists Pablo Marcos and Phil Jimenez.
I made a Photoshop of the large file transfer:
Which led to this:
and this
And because I'm not right in the head:
I assumed Garrett had the scope, as Ward had a pistol.