I don't think Skye should have let Ward die. I mean, that could have been a right choice also, but I don't think giving in is necessarily the wrong choice. Remains to be seen.
Jossverse 1: Emotional Resonance & Rocket Launchers
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She's not yet the person who can watch someone she knows die slowly and painfully in front of her. Especially at the hands of someone she feels sorry for. I liked that she didn't start shrieking in horror "no, no, you can't do that." She thought about it.
Besides, without Ward to play his "No, really, honey, it's OK" games, she'd have to deal with whatever Mike would do to get the information.
That is what I was looking for. Not necessarily a reason I'd agree with, but one that makes sense for her.
She's not yet the person who can watch someone she knows die slowly and painfully in front of her.
This. I'd expect that she'd feel like she'd kill him, and so far the show's been pretty clear about who's a killer and who's not. If he'd killed someone on the team, and she was reacting that rawly, but even though Hydra are 100% the bad guys, she has a relationship to this guy, and it's abstract evil even though it's in her face.
Did I skim too much, or am I really the first one to comment on Skye being originally named "Mary Sue Poots"?
That killed me. I also loved the Hydra logo at the end of Turn, Turn, Turn. Gave me a wiggins.
The reveal in the stinger about the TAHITI project made me really uncomfortable about Nick Fury in general. Even if he ain't Hydra, he kind of sucks, a lot. First of all, I wonder what the timing was WRT the first Avengers movie and the resignation. And using a technology on Coulson that was already stated by him that he finds it immoral and horrible and filled with side effects and prices and pirfalls? It's just so, so, cold blooded and cruel. I knew Fury was cold blooded, but I really hope we find out why on earth he would subject Coulson to this.
Maybe he decided after the Battle of New York that Earth was kind of screwed and needed as much help as it could get?
Which doesn't make it any less of a sketchy decision.
It's just so, so, cold blooded and cruel. I knew Fury was cold blooded, but I really hope we find out why on earth he would subject Coulson to this.
I found it horrible that TAHITI was designed specifically for Avengers. Probably something specifically with Captain America in mind. But yes, if Fury had found that and did it to Coulson anyway . . . but it could just as easily have been one of the myriad HYDRA moles that intercepted that report and hid it. Then Fury could see it at some point and be horrified that he'd done that to his number one man. and be waiting for something to go wrong.
it could just as easily have been one of the myriad HYDRA moles that intercepted that report and hid it. Then Fury could see it at some point and be horrified that he'd done that to his number one man. and be waiting for something to go wrong.
Why erase Coulson's memories unless Fury knew that it was needed to prevent the side effects?
To keep him from blabbing about what happened? If it was Fury's play, I can see it as "If he doesn't know about it, maybe it won't happen." I suppose it almost has to have had Fury involved, what with that base and all. But I don't like Fury being that cold-blooded, though he might honestly have a different take on the procedure, and he's very much "sufficient unto the day" about inconvenient information. Phil wouldn't have quietly said, "Oh, well, maybe I'll be OK, we'll wait and see," he would have been in Fury's face and making a lot of noise about TAHITI.
Makes me wonder if Phil going "Let me die" is now about him knowing what they're doing to him and knowing what the side effects are going to be. Makes more sense than just someone not wanting to go through a hard procedure.