I was still hoping the plane would crash and take Skye and Ward out. Her acting is tragic.
Jossverse 1: Emotional Resonance & Rocket Launchers
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
Wow, I haven't had an in progress fic get Jossed so hard in ages. I don't know if I have another AU in me.
At least Skye is disgusted with herself for letting him live. Poor Mike.
May in the cemetery was beautiful.
So I guess next week is the ep where they all remember Skye's techno-van and secret army of underground hackers? That could probably help out in a situation like this? In between flashback scenes, I mean. Because what the fans are really crying out for is an entire ep ALL ABOUT WARD'S SECRET NAZI MANPAIN.
I admit, I loved when Skye was all "You're a NAZI. What do you think HYDRA is?" And Ward was all, "Nah, baby, it's not like that, forreals."
Is anyone else waiting for Fitz to explode like the loose cannon he's becoming?
Also, Tripp, you so fine.
Poor Fitz. Tell Simmons you love her! And her say, "I know, you doofus, I love you too"! He really is coming unglued all over the place.
To be honest, I'd forgotten about Skye's van and network of hackers. Her van probably got cannibalized by SHIELD, and I thought most of the hackers got arrested.
At least there was a mention of Stark.
"Huh." How very Coulson. "If I step out, are you going to shoot me? Because if you are, I'm not going to step out."
I'm glad I'm not the only one who was screaming at the TV not to restart Ward's heart. heh.
I really kinda loved Hill in this. She even got to do a little asskicking with Coulson!
Hubby was sure it was a fake heart attack, but Ward was certainly pissed.
Hooray for Skye's reasonable reaction to Ward still trying to woo her into cooperation! I don't think she ever considered believing him.
My one major objection to Skye's plan was starting the 'you are disgusting' speech before the cops actually got their hands on Ward. It was very, "let me tell you my diabolical plan, Mr. Bond."
Connie mentioned my fave line of the episode, "Cuz, if you are, I'm not going to step out." Perfect delivery.
I didn't love that Hill was all defeatist. Maybe she was just being realistic, but after everything she went through in the Avengers, I'd have expected her to be more gung ho with the saving the world from Hydra...vs. rolling over because all the toys are gone.
Speaking of toys, poor Lola. Man. She's a beater now. I loved that Coulson said, "I can't talk about it."
Wow, that was a lot of plot in that episode. Tons of shit went down.
I'm pleased we didn't get weeks of the team not knowing about Ward, and/or chasing around after Skye. Or weeks of Skye trying to fool Ward while he gaslights her.
I did think the bit with Ward admitting his feelings was interesting, because it really is basically like a psycho with a fixation--rather Spike-like, actually. Except he's got none of Spike's charisma.
I am however having a problem with thinking of Skye as someone really creative and impressive and cool under fire when she comes across as so damned young. I don't know how old Chloe Bennett is, but Skye looks like she's about 20.
May climbing out of Coulson's grave was pretty damned awesome. And I wonder: what does she think about Ward, and having missed identifying his true loyalties?
Oh, and I loved Mike pointing out to Ward that it wasn't personal. Heh.