Was Koenig supposed to be the only SHIELD agent staffing the secret base? Maybe it's just TV budget not allowing for the background extras I'd expect to be milling around doing all the routine tasks required for a facility that has a multi-large aircraft hangar, but it seemed odd for him and the regulars to be the only people there.
I've always just assumed we aren't seeing all the techs and ground personnel needed to actually refuel and maintain the Bus, but if May or Ward are supposed to actually be doing it by themselves that strains my suspension of disbelief in a way that people possessing super powers doesn't.
Well, if there are other people there, they weren't worthy of lanyards.
I think the only reason it wasn't crawling with other agents that that this was the SOOPER SEEKRIT base.
...Or Agent Patton Oswalt was the only non-Hydra agent there, and got rid of everyone else confiscated everyone's lanyards.
I thought it was just him there.
Me too--easier keeping a secret the fewer people you tell.
As obviously implied, he built the whole thing side by side with Fury too.
Dammit, Skye. Wrong choice.
Dammit, Skye. Wrong choice.
Right? We were both yelling "Let him die!" at the TV.
Also, I'm kind of over all the Shocking! Revelations! about Coulson and TAHITI.
I was still hoping the plane would crash and take Skye and Ward out. Her acting is tragic.
Wow, I haven't had an in progress fic get Jossed so hard in ages. I don't know if I have another AU in me.
At least Skye is disgusted with herself for letting him live. Poor Mike.
May in the cemetery was beautiful.