That speech broke my heart, while also making me want give Clark Motherfucking Gregg a standing ovation.
Now I want to see Coulson and Fury sitting alone on a bench somewhere, looking ragged. Maybe smoke coming off their clothes.
Fury: What do you want me to say?
Coulson: Lie to me.
Fury: Yes, it's terribly simple. The good guys are always stalwart and true, the bad guys are easily distinguished by their pointy horns or black hats, and we always defeat them and save the day. No one ever dies, and everybody lives happily ever after.
fade to black
Coulson: Liar.
And I want no one to mention where they got it from.
I'm never surprised to see him, what with ubiquitousness, but I'm always glad.
His book is a lot of fun. Some of it is just silly pieces, but there's also some nice memoir-type stuff. Unfortunately, I am spacing on the name, and that book is in the pile of boxes that just came out of storage.
Zombie Spaceship Wasteland
Ahh!! Mom of May! Who knows stuff! And people separated and running schemes of their own! And Skye may yet have a purpose in life!
And Trip's Grandad!
edit: And now the secret base is empty, how are they getting back in? And I liked Eric! Pudgy and badass.
I was honestly expecting May to be lurking where Skye could find her. Nicely twisted.
Need more Amy Acker! Awww, I have all the feels for Coulson.
HOLY FUCK I DID NOT EXPECT ANYONE TO FIND OUT ABOUT WARD ALREADY AND ESPECIALLY NOT SKYE. I was so fucking tense for the last half of the episode, wondering where they were going to go with it, and "Ward fucking takes Skye on the Bus to get intel about artifacts while she knows he's evil" is nothing I would have expected from this show.
Nor would I have expected May to leave, call her mom (who works for some OTHER agency), and GO AFTER MARIA HILL.
Nor would I—okay, most of the stuff with the rest of the team was fairly standard, but it was nicely personal with Coulson.
Good goddamn, this show.
There's just something sweet about when May needs serious help, she calls her mom. Her badass mom. "*My* agency didn't fall apart." I suspect many "my agency is better than your agency" snits in the past.
I love how they drop bits of Marvel backstory into things, like Gabriel Jones being Trip's grandfather. And "Fury designed this thing. He wanted something even Romanov couldn't beat." "Did she?" "Like Fury would say!" Surprisingly subtle, the way his injuries were established, then the injuries being useful for working against the polygraph--and Ward having to scramble for something to cover him. Not as good as Romanov, are you, dude?
I do not think Ward is in a place where Skye can redeem him with love--even if she wanted to, which I don't think she does anymore. Euw, she's going to have to play along with his moves now. Heck, Ward even looks different know that we know he's evil.
Still miss Eric the surprisingly badass agent.
Good goddamn, this show.
It's like the writers said, "Wow, finally, Winter Soldier's out and we can tell the *real* stories now." Almost as good as a sudden reveal of a villain, complete with "Of course, now I'll have to kill you" sprinkles.