I kid, I kid.
(I didn't see Bambi until I was 20 or so, and I had no idea they killed Bambi's mother. I was possibly more traumatized than the little kids in the theater.)
'Heart Of Gold'
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
I kid, I kid.
(I didn't see Bambi until I was 20 or so, and I had no idea they killed Bambi's mother. I was possibly more traumatized than the little kids in the theater.)
Skye is kinda a Disney Heroine, at that. And HYDRA probably killed her parents....
She allegedly has some sort of interesting attributes. I suppose Garrett will want to grab her for experimentation in the future.
I hope Fitz gets more to do than be jealous of Trip.
Cosigned 100%
I just don't trust the show to not rehabilitate Ward, or at least do so in an interesting way.
There was a line where somebody asked him something to the effect of doesn't he feel like he owes Coulson - and he said yes, but that he owed Garrett more. I thought that was interesting - that his loyalty may be split, just Garrett has tha larger portion - and that might be what turns him around. (And not Skye's Magic Doe-Eyes, please and thank you).
I suppose Garrett will want to grab her for experimentation in the future.
I was unclear on why he wanted her killed, since she's an 084 (which I'm starting to think is SHIELD's code for "Mary Sue") and therefore totally desirable to experiment on, but Tim reminded me that only Coulson knows Skye is an 084.
Ah, it's going to be a Sudden Revelation of Powers thing.
Edit: great, it's going to turn out she's the real Clairvoyant.
I think it being on network TV is why it's not Game of Thrones, not the whole Disney thing. Besides, they killed Bambi's mother, didn't they?
Agreed. I would say, "It's ABC," not "It's Disney."
I've enjoyed the show, but I agree that starting it midseason might have made for a stronger show. They have seeded a lot of things that are paying off now, but they could have done it in a shorter time, too.
Ah, it's going to be a Sudden Revelation of Powers thing.
We were speculating on that last night.
Tim: "Maybe she'll have wings!"
Me: "That's not a terribly useful power."
Tim: "Did we not see the same Falcon in Winter Soldier?"
Tim: "Maybe she's Asgardian!"
Me: "How would she grow up totally unaware that she was not human?"
Tim: "Loki didn't know he was a Frost Giant."
Apparently I have schooled him too well in comics. Now he can refute all my arguments.
That is always the danger of education.
Is anyone else anxiously anticipating Quinn opening up "his" gravitonium only to have it congeal into Graviton, who promptly crushes him like an ant?
Although I guess the show would need a new snarky evil businessman, then, so they probably won't do that.