Oooh. May's going to kill Ward, isn't she? I hope it's horrible and painful.
Ooooh, I hadn't thought that far. Good one.
I mean, you don't want to piss off May. But to betray her? I've got two words: dumb. ass.
'War Stories'
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
Oooh. May's going to kill Ward, isn't she? I hope it's horrible and painful.
Ooooh, I hadn't thought that far. Good one.
I mean, you don't want to piss off May. But to betray her? I've got two words: dumb. ass.
He can still die tragically even if he is brainwashed, right?
Or you know, just die. Tragic isn't required.
RIGHT? When the Bus was under attack, I said, "Nobody die! Exceptmaybe WardSkye."
Fixed that for ya.
Loved his reaction.
I loved the way it played out onscreen, with the slomo, but the very clearly descipherable "I trusted you!"
The idea that Ward seduced May because she was a threat is interesting because that relationship sort of came out of nowhere, but if Ward thought that shacking up with May would keep her from killing him, he severely underestimated her.
Wasn't May the one who initiated things? So not so much a case of Machiavellian plotting on Ward's part, as jumping at an unexpected opportunity. But yeah, I don't see a brief fling slowing her trigger finger down any once she finds out he's a double agent.
Coulson and May, united in betrayal. Together, they puree Ward.
Folks sorry to disappoint you, but this is a Jossian show. They redeemed Faith; they redeemed Anya; they redeemed fucking Andrew. They will redeem Ward is my solid guess.
So... you're saying he could spend half a season in a coma?
Redemption doesn't preclude death.
side-eyes Ward
Holy twisty-turny, AoS!
Have I mentioned that I keep wanting to turn AoS into Angel of Something (Sunnydale?), even when I use it myself? Cause I do.
Well, that could be a crossover. Angel on S.H.I.E.L.D.