Selling out the world due to misdirected rage at failing as a pulp writer?
Does anyone really know Fury's back story?
More like, "Hm, here's something I can exploit, pity it's sentient. Not really." Though I could make an argument for "It was mostly dead, and look at the poor bastard anyway, it's half gone. Let's see what we can make of it."
Me: "You'd look weird if you were cut in half and stuck in a jar, too!"
Oh, good, I wasn't the only peering at the thing's face anxiously (while I was going "Yay, my fic's not Jossed!")
I am, like, the only person here who actually likes Skye, but throughout this episode, I was more concerned with the fact that the other characters wanted her to live than the fact that I wanted her to live.
Who knows what T.A.H.I.T.I. stands for, but what does G.H. really stand for, then? Gross Humanoid?
Are we to assume Lorelei is the redhead working for Quinn and the Clairvoyant?
I don't mind Skye--now. I'm fascinated by the way Fitz is turning into a field agent instead of just a nerd in the lab.
I was expecting Amara the Sorceress. I don't know a Lorelei.
Amora the Enchantress? Lorelei is her sister.
I assume Lorelei is an Asgardian.
Yep. I'm not really familiar with her, although it's possible I did read her in those early
books pre-Journey into Mystery when I was still learning the cast.
So the dead alien guy--where did he come from?
Also, ew.
And was anyone else bothered by how willing Coulson et al. were to kill other SHIELD agents for the mere hope of saving Skye? That really bothered me. I hope it bothers Skye when she wakes up.
I thought it wasn't an actual SHIELD unit but some off-the-books thing of Fury's.