I want to live in whichever AU Fay dwells in...love of shrimp notwithstanding.
Faith, as Fay sees it, is a show I'd buy a tv for.
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
I want to live in whichever AU Fay dwells in...love of shrimp notwithstanding.
Faith, as Fay sees it, is a show I'd buy a tv for.
I hate shrimp anyway. I'm happy in Fay-land.
On the other hand, I'm not happy with watching anything just out of loyalty. Interested in hearing about it, reading up on it, giving it a chance, of course -- but if the thing itself is crap, I don't care if it was made by my beloved auntie.
Does Joss have unrequited Eliza love that is neutering his talents and abilities? Some sort of kryptonite situation? I don't know what to even make of it. Probably just that he fell in love with his concept (and/or Eliza) and it sucked, and there's really nowhere to go from there.
I don't want to place all of the blame on Fox, but as I understand it, Joss had this concept, he wanted Eliza to star, and she had a development deal with Fox. So, he either had to work with Fox, wait until her deal had expired, or find another actress. We know that Fox is about the pretty and the sexy and the stupid, often to the detriment of the show.
I feel much better about Joss' concept having read the pilot script, but I'm still not happy with the show. I generally give a show 3 episodes, so hopefully Joss will wow me on Friday.
I'm watching because the discussion about the show is way more interesting than the actual show. That's a slender twig to hold my interest.
Well, I'm enjoying it. I don't think it's Firefly, but I kind of like having it on my DVR on Saturday.
I'm watching because the discussion about the show is way more interesting than the actual show. That's a slender twig to hold my interest.
I'm Theodosia!
I generally give a show 3 episodes, so hopefully Joss will wow me on Friday.
Hasn't it had three eps? Pilot, Girlhunter, and Slapping Beyonce?
Apparently, the road to Hell is paved with AU fanfic.
I give a mild "Hey."
I generally give a show 3 episodes, so hopefully Joss will wow me on Friday.
Hasn't it had three eps? Pilot, Girlhunter, and Slapping Beyonce?
Hush, you! Sue me, I'm giving it four because it's Joss.
I generally give a show 3 episodes, so hopefully Joss will wow me on Friday.
Hasn't it had three eps? Pilot, Girlhunter, and Slapping Beyonce?
I've read reports that Joss (or maybe Eliza?) has said that it gets really good at (or after?) episode 6.
Now, I tend to be really annoyed when a creator has to go outside the creative vehicle (TV show, comic book [::coughDCcough::]) itself to tell the viewers/readers "No, really! The beginning may have sucked, but I SWEAR it gets better!"
Because the creator's damn JOB is to make it good from the start. I don't owe DC Comics my continuing $ for Final Crisis if issues 1-4 suck, but they keep saying #5 is good. Well, no. You don't get my money unless you actually produce a good product.
And with teevee, I tend to think, well, if episodes 1-5 are crap, then why don't you just ditch them and start with 6? And if your premise/backstory was so complicated that it took 5 shitty episodes to establish, UR DOIN IT RONG.
All that said, in this instance, I *do* understand FOX's penchant for destroying shows by ordering re-writes. So if episodes 1-5 suck because of FOX's interference, well, I'm less inclined to shake my fist at Joss.
But if episodes 1-5 did indeed suck b/c of FOX's interference, then I'm expecting episode 6 to be unfuckingbelievably good. It's bad enough to tell viewers to just wait until the middle of the season (only 13 episodes were ordered, right? That makes episode 6 the "middle," if so) for it to start to be good, because I think viewers would rather it be good from the start. But when you make such a promise, you really have to deliver on your promise.
And honestly? I'm starting to think that Joss can't.