I'm voting for killed.
Jossverse 1: Emotional Resonance & Rocket Launchers
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
Unless it's both. Skye had two mommies!
Loved Coulson's "talk" with May. Was it just me, or was that the same form Buffy and Angel did together?
I am also mildly disappointed by the UST. I wanted science buds.
Why the hell didn't Agent Cold McGlasses Lady just assign Coulson's team to do the extraction? Because they didn't have the clearance to know? Or was it some test of Coulson? And if so, did he pass or fail?
I liked that Coulson doesn't have clearance to learn about his own recovery. I think putting that at the end of an episode that was all about secrets and hierarchy and whether or not to trust the two really amped up the gut punch of that tag.
The look of creeping dread on Coulson's face hurts. And is wonderful.
Unless it's both. Skye had two mommies!
Shit, I totally just failed that "How is the kid the son of the ER doctor????" thing, huh.
An experimental jet (or an Osprey) is not a C-1-fricking-30.
There was an experimental transport that could take off and land vertically that was about the size of a C-130. It was powered by turboprops, though.
Super duper StarkTech turboprops. (They should be giving Tony more mention re: tech. I keep expecting "Hah, Stark would be so jealous that he doesn't have this!")
And... it's OK that Simmons shot a superior officer while stealing classified information? I gotta rewatch tomorrow to figure out what the hell all that was about.
I had the uncomfortable impression the the writers thought two pretty young women could smile and shrug their way out of espionage and assaulting a fellow agent the way they could a speeding ticket. I guess it's not a felony if the perps are cute!
I definitely got the impression that Agent Hand expected Coulson and his gang to break protocol and ride to the rescue and that she was pleased about it. That's my handwavium for why Skye and Simmons got a pass on zapping that agent with the Night Night Gun.
I'd still rather have Fitz/Simmons UST than Fitz/Sky UST but that's probably because I don't like Skye all that much. And on that note, I hope May is not her mother!
Oh. Now THAT, I can get behind.
Seriously, literally while Skye and Ward were in the bar, I thought, "I am SO sick of the show trying to shove them together. I don't buy it, they have no chemistry, JUST STOP TRYING." And then I thought -- for real -- "But Melinda May, she's a badass. I could see that happening."
I like it.
I feel like there ought to be a Topher cameo soon. "Did I fall asleep?"