And... it's OK that Simmons shot a superior officer while stealing classified information? I gotta rewatch tomorrow to figure out what the hell all that was about.
I had the uncomfortable impression the the writers thought two pretty young women could smile and shrug their way out of espionage and assaulting a fellow agent the way they could a speeding ticket. I guess it's not a felony if the perps are cute!
I definitely got the impression that Agent Hand expected Coulson and his gang to break protocol and ride to the rescue and that she was pleased about it. That's my handwavium for why Skye and Simmons got a pass on zapping that agent with the Night Night Gun.
I'd still rather have Fitz/Simmons UST than Fitz/Sky UST but that's probably because I don't like Skye all that much. And on that note, I hope May is not her mother!
Oh. Now THAT, I can get behind.
Seriously, literally while Skye and Ward were in the bar, I thought, "I am SO sick of the show trying to shove them together. I don't buy it, they have no chemistry, JUST STOP TRYING." And then I thought -- for real -- "But Melinda May, she's a badass. I could see that happening."
I like it.
I feel like there ought to be a Topher cameo soon. "Did I fall asleep?"
That creeped me out so bad, it took me a minute to figure out why!
Also, yeah, that was more like it.
I missed the audio of the Tahiti/dream scene because Tim is having a scary complication after last week's oral surgery (and we might end up at the ER tonight). But since we aren't going to the ER yet, what did dream!girl say and what did Coulson say, and was anything important revealed after he woke up?
Coulson said he fell asleep to the girl, girl said, "That's good, you're relaxed." Coulson said Tahiti didn't feel quite real, the girl agreed, Coulson woke up.
He's got some arms on him!
Only thing revealed was how spooked he was. Poor Coulson!
Dollhouse-ish-ly, he said, "Did I fall asleep?" and she said, "For a little while."
I knew I was missing the phrasing.
I was going: "Memory? Real Coulson? Huh?"
They must have new writers. Things are being nuanced.