One thing that surprised me was I was initially expecting Skye to have fingered hacker-boy to cover her own tracks. "Hey, look, it was just this relatively harmless greyish hat hacker that isn't worth pursuing..." rather than it really being him.
I did kind of dislike the fact that he had really good points about due process and rights that Skye dismissed because her team is "the good guys" and he was later revealed to be a hypocrite. I guess I expected a Joss show to be a little less apologetic for the modern state of security.
I thought itwas one of those "made you think!" moments, not just a "judge the correctness of the statement by the quality of the person making the statement" thing. One reason Skye was so horrified is seeing things she believes in being tossed aside for money. Hacker was self-centered and arrogant, but he was naive, not necessarily evil. The grand ideals are still grand, and when you start making money off of them, it's an indictment of the seller, not the ideals.
I saw it more as a Lie-to-Me "growing up means learning that the world is more complicated than you think" kind of thing.
I'm not objecting to hacker boy being a hypocrite per se, just that the only person to raise concerns so far about personal rights and due process in a show about a spy agency was both dismissed with a "they can do that because they're the good guys" and then later revealed to be an opportunistic scumbag who abandoned his own principles for a payout.
Joss has clearly sold out to The Man. Hits the big time, and boom! Forgets the plight of the little people...
Well, he did go from the outcasts and geeks being the heroes of his story to them being the antagonists of the story that his heroes looked down on and mocked as his own coolness factor rocketed. The Nerd Trio did not sit well with me on a metaphorical level.
I quite liked that episode. Coulson worried about himself being different--and me wondering if the medicos gave him faked info. The team having interactions with each other, Ward with a sense of humor. Genuinely moving bits with that fireman.
What's-his-face-Fury-standin touched Lola!
Coulson putting Simmons under quartantine and Fitz talking about being at her side made me sniffly.
So I know I shouldn't be critiquing the science in a Marvel show, let alone a Joss show, but: they can get antigens/antibodies and vaccine/antiserum right, but they show red blood cells instead of nerve cells? Oy.
I do adore Fitz-Simmons, though.
I still think there's more to Coulson's return than just "You died. That means you ARE different." I'm still leaning toward Came Back Wrong.
Clark Gregg is so damn good at conveying so much through the tiniest of facial expressions.
When Melinda May kicked in the door of the barn, I turned to Tim and said, "I would leave you for her." He said, "I would follow you TO her." BADASS. The cookie interrogation made me laugh and laugh.
I'm still not a huge Skye fan, but I liked when she ran up and hugged Simmons.
Seriously, as if SHIELD wouldn't just falsify the blood test results.