For her to be in high demand implies some consistency
I was thinking more along the lines of flexibility, which she hasn't really shown yet.
Paul reminds me of Will from Alias. He didn't have the audience in his corner until he stopped knowing so much much less than the audience, and I see that happening again here.
io9 has a short but sweet interview with Steve Deknight about last weeks episode he wrote and directed: [link]
Finally caught up this weekend...watched Ep2 and 3. Kinda anvilicious! But I have to say, I liked 2 better than 1, and 3 better than 2, so I'm hopeful. Sort of. Though what everyone else was saying here was really interesting to read (and I'd say more depthy stuff but it's late and I'm sleepy and wordless. And I realize "depthy" is not actually a word. Shhhhh.)
But as someone said above, it's sad when "I was glad it didn't involve her going and having sex with someone" is an exciting thing to say. Good god.
And I mean...I think ED is hot. I am a dyke, I like seeing scantily clad women. But yeeesh. This show is...kinda workin' that button a little too hard, man. Try a little TEASE or somethin', here, folks! Make me beg for it! Acres of flesh through the whole damn show every week...what are you going to do for sweeps? "On a very special Dollhouse, Echo has to go to a lesbian orgy!"?? Please.
I have finally caught up with the aired episodes and I am... not happy. There are glimmers of things that intrigue me, most of which have to do with Boyd and the awesomeness that is Harry Lennix, but the rest of the show makes me cringe more than anything.
It's been interesting to read the discussion on this thread though. Mostly I agree with what my friend Rachel said on LJ about the show re. the fundamental flaw in the premise for a serial TV: Why I Would Not Have Greenlit Dollhouse
Mostly I agree with what my friend Rachel said on LJ about the show re. the fundamental flaw in the premise for a serial TV: Why I Would Not Have Greenlit Dollhouse
Wow. That's really well-said, and sums up most of my problems with the show.
(Although I also like the bluntness of Tycho from Penny Arcade's take on it: [link]
If you dislike Dollhouse, check this out: [link]
It is kind of brilliant. Edit: although I hadn't seen the last line.
Sorry Kevin, as much as I am bothered by Dollhouse, I do not find that brilliant. In fact I want to punch that guy's lights out.
Rather the opposite of brilliant here, too.
I think ita should hire him as a tackle dummy, even if Dollhouse is never more than the Pretender with tits.
Nothing like sour grapes mixed with vivid images of women being debased to bring out the Noel Coward in a guy.
I think I'm going to skip reading that one.
Was I not supposed to read that as a sarcastic twist on what the reviewer has seen so far?